miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

My bad experience with the English!

Over time the English taking more importance in the Chilean education and the different country around the world. Such is the importance, of this has even been established as a core subject during the 12 years of compulsory schooling. But that alone, this year also began to take the test SIMCE, with the authorities pretend determine what knowledge Chilean students have of this language.

When I was studying in the school I didn’t have that test but the English was a compulsory subject like math and Castilian, don’t have any difference.

Although I always English, I never could learn it. One reason is that I believe that the teachers were not conscience how important it would be the subject in the future and therefore not really worried that we learned. For this of my first years of English in school do not remember anything.

After I changed my school and everyone knew much English. So I felt I was falling behind and could not move forward with my other classmates.

But the hardest thing was when I started university because here was a basic requirement to know English. I gave the diagnosis to English and I was a first level. For this reason I had to make the English courses offered by the university.

The first and second level I realize when I was in second year journalism. In these courses I learn some things how the numbers, colors and I learn to talk more and understand some dialogues.

But the first level I could not take it the next year because I had many classes in university. His decision was not very good because now I have many more courses.

This year I had to retake English and this experience has been very tiring because I have stay to stay up late at university and I consider that I have not learned as much as I would have liked.

I have wanted to learn but it takes more time and dedication but I hope when out of university I can learn better because the English is a necessary tool in professional life, especially in this career and is an advantage for to find work.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

I wish recycling!

Well, today let’s talk about environment. Nowdays this topic is a relevant theme because is becoming increasingly clear the damage that humans, and their creations, have made it. Today many countries worry for this theme, but this is not sufficient.

In his days the people should learn protect to environment is their houses, schools and with friends, but this situation does not happen often and it is still possible to see children throwing garbage without concern, for this habits, and many other, most city in the country, and world, are dirty. An example of this is the same Santiago.

I have tried to incorporate environmental care habits, for example I try not to use many plastic bags, I try recycling the glass bottles, and never throwing garbage on the street. But not enough, because, for example, I know people that separates garbage by type and that is something I do not.

Another way to take care the environment is not using a car and preferring the bicycle or simply walking. Unfortunately this city is very big to move only in this way. For this I usually use the subway and bus to get around.

I don’t join any eco-organisations because I don’t have the oportunity and because I think that first I to begin to carry our activities for to care environment and after support the case for other.

I wish I had more time and patience for separates the garbage by type for example, or noticing that every product we use or use not damage the environment.

For to reduce my carbon footprint I try disconnect the electricals appliances I don’t use, I try walking and I don’t use a car because, I haven’t.

Finally, I thing that in our city missing more concern to face the issue and more commitment of authorities of this theme, although in recent days was approved in Chile the law establishing the ministry of environment.