martes, 22 de junio de 2010

I don't like think about the future

I am not a person who likes to think about the future. The truth, is that I like living in the present and I preffer keep the feet on earths. At the present, I’m studing journalism so, I think that in the future I exercise my profession in a mass media or some company.

In first time, I would like to work in a company, because the salary is better,I pretend save money and continue studying and specialize me in my profession.

Once done all that, I hope have a family with my boyfriend, his name is

Francisco and we have been together three years.

But when I decided have a family I don’t like to live in Santiago, I would like lives in other city, maybe some place in the south of country or simply in Chillán, my hometown.

When I think in the future tto think I would like travel for many countries, but first I want to know all Chile, from north of south. Other wish I have is have a beauty house and I to give a travel to my parent for them can enjoy after a hard live to educate four daughters.

Is very difficult think in how many children I want to have, because at the present I don’t can imagine as a mother, the idea scares me and I don’t feel able. In many times I asked me, I will become mother? I don’t know only time will tell.

I say in the beginning, I don’t like's to think about the future, because are many questions but few answers. Also I think that the future and the past only are a thought because.

Maybe I have many plans about the future but only the lives decide how I can realize and how stay pending.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

El Quiltro del bicentenario, a symbolism picture

"El Quiltro del Bicentenario" was a photograph contest to choose the best photograph where a typical dog of Chile, "El quiltro" was shown.

The name of the winner picture is "Si para ser felices", and It was taken for Óscar Fuentes Mardones. This history is very nice, because this men is not photographer but is a physiology teacher of Universidad del Bìo Bío, a chilean university located in Chillán, Chile.

This photograph has a lot of symbolism because it shows a dog next to a beggar in a street of Chillán. With this picture Òscar Fuentes shows a hard reality, and also shows the big social inequalities existing in our country.

This picture was taken the last year and Óscar knew He won in January of 2010. But this photograph is not by chance, because frequently Óscar walked by the place where this pictures was taken and saw the beggar next to the dog called "Cachupín".

One day, Óscar decided to take a photograph and send it to the contest, but his motivation more than winning a prize, was to show this hard but existing reality.

When I talked with Óscar, he comment me that his father was also a photograph lover and he took the pasion from him.

The photograph content “El quiltro del Bicentenario” trying was a funny contest but with the Óscar picture this initiative be coverted in a X –ray that Chilean society.

Finally this picture shows that really Chile is not prepared for celebrate with a big party this two hundred year because while exist this problems, and this inequalities we don’t anything because for celebrate.