lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

A hard semester

Well, I can say that the first term of 2010, was a good semester in the academic field. I had a goods marks and I learned many news things.
The past term I was six subjects; five subjects of career, and English level three. In that course I learned to use a blog, I and I learned more words for write and talk in English.

But English was not only subject, because I had a course called “Taller de Periodismo televisivo”. In this class I learned use the camera also some editing programs, very useful for the journalist that work in television.

These two subjects was a really challenge for me, because I had no idea how utilize this programs and cameras. But the principal challenge was learned to write in English, because I don’t do this frequently and I don’t have anything practice.

In the sport field, I must say that I don’t play any sports. But this semester I pretend go to aerobic or entertain dance, It depending that my free time. Some days, I went to the gym of my building, but I went a very few occasions.

Maybe, the more difficult the last semester was the beginning. First because was a earthquake, and I live in the more affected zone, and later, because my mother is ill with cancer, and my family pass for very difficult moment. Fortunately in this moment everything is okey and she's very well.

But the best thing of the last term, was my first niece was born. Her name is Fernanda Emilia, and she’s the happiness of my house.

In this moment is everithing ok, and I hope that this year finish of a good form.

2 comentarios:

  1. I want a niese, but my sister say that she is very young. A hug Nico.
    Congratulations and a kiss for the Fernanda :)

  2. Good job, Nicole ;)

    I wish you all the luck this semester ;) I hope things continue to be good in the days to come :) Enjoy your niece when you have the time!

    See you in class!!
