domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

Ask, don't tell... bye bye

The article it was about men was the first person to be discharged of marine for under the Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) law in the 90’ years. This man is gay and his called Justin Elzie. In this time, he’s talk because is possible that this law be repealed a considerably thing because allow that man and woman gay entry to marines in USA.

One of declaration in this article talk about that be many men and women who are willing to die for their country but for this condition or option, are gay, they are discriminated against and can’t enter the military.

The President of USA, Barack Obama, says that the most probably is that this law is repealed it all depends on the votes in parliament, but many of the representatives have shown their willingness to vote for the repeal.

If this happens, it will set an important precedent to the other country. You can serve the purpose of Elzie who for years has been an important gay activist, fighting for the rights of homosexuals.

viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

Places to visit!

Well, anyone tourist that visiting Santiago has many places to go. For example they can visit the “Cerro Santa Lucía” or even better the “Cerro San Cristóbal” and in the step can visit the Bellavista neighborhood, and drink some beers and eat good food.

But if the tourist wants to visit an even more typical, can not miss “La Piojera”. In this place they can drink the typical drink called “Terremoto”, and eat traditional food called “empanadas”, also the tourist can drink others drink and eat other foods, for example the “chorrillana”.

But if visitors prefer not to eat and meet, they can visit "El Cajon del Maipo" or the Andes Mountains. This attracts the attention of foreigners as it is one of the largest mountain ranges in the world. Also, Chile draws much attention because one can be in the mountains and in less than two hours to be at sea. Is a special property and for me, it's great.

Other place that the tourist can visit is a place called “Las Tejas” in this place also sell “terremotos” and beers and but is a little cheaper than Piojera.

Well, I do not know many more places in Santiago, because I'm not in the city, I'm from Chillán, but those are the places I know who I recommend.

You can visit any of the places you mention and I will not regret it, at least, I do not regret it.

Enjoy your visit to Santiago!

CSI, A great TV show!

Well, I'm not very good for watching TV, but there is a program that I like me and is called CSI. This Tv show is issued by the cable channel AXN issued by the AXN cable channel.

This program talks about Crime Scene Investigation and shows three brigades of researchers. The City of New York, Las Vegas and Miami, really is a very good TV series.

When I knew this series I don’t like me because it comes to murder investigations and therefore also clearly shown autopsies and blood.

But then I started to see this program and I really enjoyed the whole process is shown by which they come across the guilty.

My favorite chapters are the CSI Miami, first, because the cast is headed by David Caruso and he likes me how actor.

I like the graphics in this series and the locations they use, also the cases is very good and mysterious.

Another thing I like is that I find that the characters are very well made and really give the impression that researchers were real. This is a first TV series I see and is the first TV series I see and after this I began to see these types of programs.

I think this series is very good, there is even a chapter of CSI "Las Vegas" that was directed by renowned filmmaker Quentin Tarantino.

Unfortunately in recent times I could not watch too much television, so I have not seen CSI New York, but I know that Channel 13 is giving this series after the midnight news.

I would recommend them to see and make their own impression, but in my opinion this series is really good, but depends on the taste.
Here I give you an extract of chapter was directed by Quentin Tarantino.

Enjoy it!

Some books in my life

Well, I don’t remeber the first book I read, but I if I remember the first was gave me, the name was “3 Little Pigs disobedient” and gave me in the school for my good grades.

I remember when I went the fifth year in the school, I had to read the book “El Principito” of the author Antoine de Saint- Exupéry, and this I really liked, but when I went the sixth grade in the same school returned to me the task of reading “El Principito”, and I had read the same book seventh and eighth year. I really liked the book, but it was too boring to have to read it every summer liability.

After reading and I began to like reading several books, one of my favorite books is called “Doce Cuentos Peregrinos” and its author is Gabriel García Márquez. This book consists of twelve short stories of mystery, and really are all very interesting. Could say it's one of the books that you can not stop reading because each page brings new and intriguing stories. I remember I just wanted to get through the book, and my conclusion was: this is too good. For this, I recommended with my friends and all who dared to read it found it very good.

But in this moment of my life, my favorite books are those the investigative journalism, I think I like them because this are providing new information and some are very intriguing. For example, the last book I read called “El imperio del Opus Dei”, and is a very good book. This book is the expansion of Opus Dei in Chile and how both have influenced, especially in the high Chilean society. Some names mentioned in this book are Joaquín Lavín, education minister and Nicolás Hurtado Vicuña, one of the most influential men of chile.

Really this is a good book and I recommend read this because is very useful to know this religious movement.

Below is a video called “Opus Dei una cruzada silenciosa”. This talks about the Opus Dei, and that research was based on the book that I speak.

Hope you like.