jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

A big problem and a bad experience!

Probably, everybody has different opinions about the Capital Punishment. According to my opinion, I think it is not a good solution to reduce criminality, because this problem is connected to different social mistakes, as disparity in the distribution economic, bad quality of education and other many factors that make emerge this big problem.
I think, that the pros in capital punishment, is that a criminal they will think it better before making a crime and the government save money. But the cons, is that with this punishment the state killed peoples and that's not their job or anyone else.

For to reduce criminality rates in Santiago, the government should close the revolving doors. It must create better laws and give punishments more strict for the reoffender. As well I think that actualy laws protect to criminals and give possibilities for that they go out to the jail very easi.
In my opinion, the origin of the increasing criminality in Chile is, in some case, lack oportunitties, but in the most cases I think is because personal intresting of this person for have more of the work can give. But we cant forget that this consumer society create the conditions for that this criminals exist.
In one time, I goes with my sister to Movistar Arena for saw a concert. But in the road, we found many fans of the football team Universidad de Chile. When we go out of the public transport two men came up in the street and they stole us rob, but my sister begin to shout and many cars begin to shout and many cars begin stop and the criminal escape. Finally we can go to the concert and was a good night.

A big problem and a bad experience!

Probably, everybody has different opinions about the Capital Punishment. According to my opinion, I think it is not a good solution to reduce criminality, because this problem is connected to different social mistakes, as disparity in the distribution economic, bad quality of education and other many factors that make emerge this big problem.
I think, that the pros in capital punishment, is that a criminal they will think it better before making a crime and the government save money. But the cons, is that with this punishment the state killed peoples and that's not their job or anyone else.

For to reduce criminality rates in Santiago, the government should close the revolving doors. It must create better laws and give punishments more strict for the reoffender. As well I think that actualy laws protect to criminals and give possibilities for that they go out to the jail very easi.
In my opinion, the origin of the increasing criminality in Chile is, in some case, lack oportunitties, but in the most cases I think is because personal intresting of this person for have more of the work can give. But we cant forget that this consumer society create the conditions for that this criminals exist.
In one time, I goes with my sister to Movistar Arena for saw a concert. But in the road, we found many fans of the football team Universidad de Chile. When we go out of the public transport two men came up in the street and they stole us rob, but my sister begin to shout and many cars begin to shout and many cars begin stop and the criminal escape. Finally we can go to the concert and was a good night.

sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010

my favourite festivity!

My favorite festivity is Christmas day.This festivity, like everyones in the world, I celebrate on 25 th of December. Is a very important festivity for me because I spend with all my family and my boyfriend in my real city, Chillán.
In that especial day, we dinner together, remeber other Christmas, and before open the gifts.
Once we celebrate Christmas and the boyfriend of my sister asked marriage, was a nice experience.
The last time we celebrate Christmas I, my boyfriend and my family stay in my house eating "pan de pascua" and drinking "cola de mono" with my neighbour. Also came other members of my family and celebrate all night.
But this Christmas was more special, because my sister is pregned and some gifts was for the new family member, my niece. She's born in july!!!!
I would like do in the next Christmas would travel other city with all my family, I´dont know, maybe to the south in the Villarrica lake, and makes the same things that I have in all Cristhmas but this time, in other place.
Really, this festivity is my favourite day in the year, and I wish I could always pass with the people I love.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

my mp3 is great!

My favorite piece of technology is mp3, I've got the past year, in September, and since I always take it with me.
In first moment I bouth other music reproductor, that mp3 was orange color and was a very very nice but I had change because was bad. Now my music reproductor is red with black and I like this combination.
Every days I go out to my house with my earphone and listen many songs. But this object is not only a music reproductor becaus I can to record diferents sounds from my voice untill the music I listen in the radio.
This is a first mp3 that I can buy, and so, is more important for me because is fruit of my effort. I use every days for go to university or sometimes when I travel.
In the night I use too when I go to sleep I on my mp3 and listen music in some radio of Santiago.

Also I use for study. Sometimes I record me reading some subject and later, I listen that recording and I can to memorize.
Well, I think that my life if I didn now was a bit more difficult, but I could live because some months before I dont have it. But withouth a doubt my Mp3 to make easier my life.
Really It was a good buy and I can say that I love it!!!!!!

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Great man!!!

My best friend called Cristóbal Baeza, He is a great men!! We know since seven years, when we was at High School in Chillan City.

We were classmates for two year and since we were the best friends. At the present he study in Concepcion city, but twice a month we visited and go out together some pub in the city and talk for hours.

I consider my best friend because always I need him he help me, whatever be my conflict. Loves problem, economics problem, whatever, He always be here for me. Also he knows all my family and my parents and sisters will have a lot love because how is He.

We known for so long that we have lived many important moments together. I remember when he came to see me when I played basketball or when we went at the disco in the summer, or we went to the beach in the past holidays.

All months we go out together or with my sister, talk about the life, we call on phone, and he was my house visit me and my family.

He’s my best friend and really is a good man.