jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

A big problem and a bad experience!

Probably, everybody has different opinions about the Capital Punishment. According to my opinion, I think it is not a good solution to reduce criminality, because this problem is connected to different social mistakes, as disparity in the distribution economic, bad quality of education and other many factors that make emerge this big problem.
I think, that the pros in capital punishment, is that a criminal they will think it better before making a crime and the government save money. But the cons, is that with this punishment the state killed peoples and that's not their job or anyone else.

For to reduce criminality rates in Santiago, the government should close the revolving doors. It must create better laws and give punishments more strict for the reoffender. As well I think that actualy laws protect to criminals and give possibilities for that they go out to the jail very easi.
In my opinion, the origin of the increasing criminality in Chile is, in some case, lack oportunitties, but in the most cases I think is because personal intresting of this person for have more of the work can give. But we cant forget that this consumer society create the conditions for that this criminals exist.
In one time, I goes with my sister to Movistar Arena for saw a concert. But in the road, we found many fans of the football team Universidad de Chile. When we go out of the public transport two men came up in the street and they stole us rob, but my sister begin to shout and many cars begin to shout and many cars begin stop and the criminal escape. Finally we can go to the concert and was a good night.

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