domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

Ask, don't tell... bye bye

The article it was about men was the first person to be discharged of marine for under the Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) law in the 90’ years. This man is gay and his called Justin Elzie. In this time, he’s talk because is possible that this law be repealed a considerably thing because allow that man and woman gay entry to marines in USA.

One of declaration in this article talk about that be many men and women who are willing to die for their country but for this condition or option, are gay, they are discriminated against and can’t enter the military.

The President of USA, Barack Obama, says that the most probably is that this law is repealed it all depends on the votes in parliament, but many of the representatives have shown their willingness to vote for the repeal.

If this happens, it will set an important precedent to the other country. You can serve the purpose of Elzie who for years has been an important gay activist, fighting for the rights of homosexuals.

viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

Places to visit!

Well, anyone tourist that visiting Santiago has many places to go. For example they can visit the “Cerro Santa Lucía” or even better the “Cerro San Cristóbal” and in the step can visit the Bellavista neighborhood, and drink some beers and eat good food.

But if the tourist wants to visit an even more typical, can not miss “La Piojera”. In this place they can drink the typical drink called “Terremoto”, and eat traditional food called “empanadas”, also the tourist can drink others drink and eat other foods, for example the “chorrillana”.

But if visitors prefer not to eat and meet, they can visit "El Cajon del Maipo" or the Andes Mountains. This attracts the attention of foreigners as it is one of the largest mountain ranges in the world. Also, Chile draws much attention because one can be in the mountains and in less than two hours to be at sea. Is a special property and for me, it's great.

Other place that the tourist can visit is a place called “Las Tejas” in this place also sell “terremotos” and beers and but is a little cheaper than Piojera.

Well, I do not know many more places in Santiago, because I'm not in the city, I'm from Chillán, but those are the places I know who I recommend.

You can visit any of the places you mention and I will not regret it, at least, I do not regret it.

Enjoy your visit to Santiago!

CSI, A great TV show!

Well, I'm not very good for watching TV, but there is a program that I like me and is called CSI. This Tv show is issued by the cable channel AXN issued by the AXN cable channel.

This program talks about Crime Scene Investigation and shows three brigades of researchers. The City of New York, Las Vegas and Miami, really is a very good TV series.

When I knew this series I don’t like me because it comes to murder investigations and therefore also clearly shown autopsies and blood.

But then I started to see this program and I really enjoyed the whole process is shown by which they come across the guilty.

My favorite chapters are the CSI Miami, first, because the cast is headed by David Caruso and he likes me how actor.

I like the graphics in this series and the locations they use, also the cases is very good and mysterious.

Another thing I like is that I find that the characters are very well made and really give the impression that researchers were real. This is a first TV series I see and is the first TV series I see and after this I began to see these types of programs.

I think this series is very good, there is even a chapter of CSI "Las Vegas" that was directed by renowned filmmaker Quentin Tarantino.

Unfortunately in recent times I could not watch too much television, so I have not seen CSI New York, but I know that Channel 13 is giving this series after the midnight news.

I would recommend them to see and make their own impression, but in my opinion this series is really good, but depends on the taste.
Here I give you an extract of chapter was directed by Quentin Tarantino.

Enjoy it!

Some books in my life

Well, I don’t remeber the first book I read, but I if I remember the first was gave me, the name was “3 Little Pigs disobedient” and gave me in the school for my good grades.

I remember when I went the fifth year in the school, I had to read the book “El Principito” of the author Antoine de Saint- Exupéry, and this I really liked, but when I went the sixth grade in the same school returned to me the task of reading “El Principito”, and I had read the same book seventh and eighth year. I really liked the book, but it was too boring to have to read it every summer liability.

After reading and I began to like reading several books, one of my favorite books is called “Doce Cuentos Peregrinos” and its author is Gabriel García Márquez. This book consists of twelve short stories of mystery, and really are all very interesting. Could say it's one of the books that you can not stop reading because each page brings new and intriguing stories. I remember I just wanted to get through the book, and my conclusion was: this is too good. For this, I recommended with my friends and all who dared to read it found it very good.

But in this moment of my life, my favorite books are those the investigative journalism, I think I like them because this are providing new information and some are very intriguing. For example, the last book I read called “El imperio del Opus Dei”, and is a very good book. This book is the expansion of Opus Dei in Chile and how both have influenced, especially in the high Chilean society. Some names mentioned in this book are Joaquín Lavín, education minister and Nicolás Hurtado Vicuña, one of the most influential men of chile.

Really this is a good book and I recommend read this because is very useful to know this religious movement.

Below is a video called “Opus Dei una cruzada silenciosa”. This talks about the Opus Dei, and that research was based on the book that I speak.

Hope you like.

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

My bad experience with the English!

Over time the English taking more importance in the Chilean education and the different country around the world. Such is the importance, of this has even been established as a core subject during the 12 years of compulsory schooling. But that alone, this year also began to take the test SIMCE, with the authorities pretend determine what knowledge Chilean students have of this language.

When I was studying in the school I didn’t have that test but the English was a compulsory subject like math and Castilian, don’t have any difference.

Although I always English, I never could learn it. One reason is that I believe that the teachers were not conscience how important it would be the subject in the future and therefore not really worried that we learned. For this of my first years of English in school do not remember anything.

After I changed my school and everyone knew much English. So I felt I was falling behind and could not move forward with my other classmates.

But the hardest thing was when I started university because here was a basic requirement to know English. I gave the diagnosis to English and I was a first level. For this reason I had to make the English courses offered by the university.

The first and second level I realize when I was in second year journalism. In these courses I learn some things how the numbers, colors and I learn to talk more and understand some dialogues.

But the first level I could not take it the next year because I had many classes in university. His decision was not very good because now I have many more courses.

This year I had to retake English and this experience has been very tiring because I have stay to stay up late at university and I consider that I have not learned as much as I would have liked.

I have wanted to learn but it takes more time and dedication but I hope when out of university I can learn better because the English is a necessary tool in professional life, especially in this career and is an advantage for to find work.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

I wish recycling!

Well, today let’s talk about environment. Nowdays this topic is a relevant theme because is becoming increasingly clear the damage that humans, and their creations, have made it. Today many countries worry for this theme, but this is not sufficient.

In his days the people should learn protect to environment is their houses, schools and with friends, but this situation does not happen often and it is still possible to see children throwing garbage without concern, for this habits, and many other, most city in the country, and world, are dirty. An example of this is the same Santiago.

I have tried to incorporate environmental care habits, for example I try not to use many plastic bags, I try recycling the glass bottles, and never throwing garbage on the street. But not enough, because, for example, I know people that separates garbage by type and that is something I do not.

Another way to take care the environment is not using a car and preferring the bicycle or simply walking. Unfortunately this city is very big to move only in this way. For this I usually use the subway and bus to get around.

I don’t join any eco-organisations because I don’t have the oportunity and because I think that first I to begin to carry our activities for to care environment and after support the case for other.

I wish I had more time and patience for separates the garbage by type for example, or noticing that every product we use or use not damage the environment.

For to reduce my carbon footprint I try disconnect the electricals appliances I don’t use, I try walking and I don’t use a car because, I haven’t.

Finally, I thing that in our city missing more concern to face the issue and more commitment of authorities of this theme, although in recent days was approved in Chile the law establishing the ministry of environment.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

The first movie I saw, Jurassic Park!

Well in this time I will talk about the first movie that I saw, or better, the first movie I that remember saw. This film is called Jurassic Park, and it was directed by Steven Spielberg a famous cinema director that realize other very popular films how Transformers or E.T. for example.

This movie opened in 1993 and later went premiering continuations of this film; Jurassic Park 2: “The Lost World”, and the third and fourth part.

I don’t remember many details but I can remember of the general thematic, this movie shows how a millionaire realizes his dream and to create a dinosaur park in an island, where various adventures happen. The problem was when the security of this park damaged and the dinosaur to escape of security area and begin to attack humans to visit the site including the grandchildren of this millionaire.

In that time, when I saw for the first time this movie I liked and I thought is a great film, but now I cant say that is a fantastic movie, because is very predictable and redundant in his script. But when I was a child this film was my favorite movie.

The truth is that with the pass time I was seen less TV and movies so the films don’t meaning much for me, because is not my favorite hobby; I prefer listening music or just sleep.

Sometimes I go to the cinema with my sister, some friends but especially with my boyfriend, and see some films. He likes horror movies but I was not so much.

The last movie I saw in the cinema was a Chilean movie “La Esmeralda” This happened in the Chilean cinema day in August or September, I don’t remember, and the ticket cost much cheaper, around two dollars.

This month was I cine day too, but the all cinema but this time I don’t went to was any film because I was in Chillán city and the films showing are very boring.

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Lives in a pineapple under the sea!

When I was little, I didn’t see many cartoons. I preferred playing in the street with my little friends and run for many places in Chillan city, where I was born. But I can’t deny that I saw some cartoons, for example the mythical Power Rangers and the Chilean television program called “Hugo” where many children’s called every day to participate in this program and play with Hugo through the telephone. The two programs were very entertaining.

But my favorite cartoon is Spongebob, in Spanish, Bob Esponja. This program was broadcast when I was around ten years, and I saw it every day with my sister, one year younger than me.

This cartoon was transmitted on the TV Channel called “Nickelodeon”. I can’t remember when it was the first time I saw Spongebob, but in general, I laughed a lot with each chapter because it was very very funny.

The protagonist of this animated series is a yellow sponge, he lives in a pineapple under the sea, as the song says, and he has a pet a winkle called Gary, and his best friend is a starfish.

Every evening, when I came home from school I sat in front of the television and with my sister I saw SpongeBob.

Currently I still think that Bob Sponge is very funny and even now I understand many jokes that before I didn’t understand, and for this I continue seeing it. Moreover these days, SpongeBob is not only transmitted on the paid TV. Every Saturday in the morning, the Chilean channel Megavisión, continues transmitting this funny cartoon.

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

A beautifull country

Well, a country that I’d like to visit is Italy because is a country with a lot of history. In this place emerge the Roma Civilization and it's cradle of other many stories. Also it is a beautiful place, there are many historical places like the Roman Forum, the Roman Coliseum, the Agripha Pantheon and Vatican.
Maybe my principal motivation to visit Italy is its history.

Really I don’t know much about this country. Just I know that in this place there are beautifull cities, many rivers, historical monuments and big mafia organizations. I say this, because in this moment I'm reading a book called “Gomorra”, and all it talks about is the mafia in some cities, specifically in Nápoles. It is really incredible!

When I travel to Italy, in the future of course, I would like to know all places with history, the Coliseum, Vaticano, and so on. Also I would like to know Venice because I think that it is very amazing live in such a special city, “the canal city”.

Obviously, when I visit Italy I will only have to rest, and I will take a tour around the country. I suppose that I'll eat pizza, lasagna and much spaghetti!

But thinking in the future, if I ever have the opportunity I would like to live in this country, but just for a while, because I like Chile very much .

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

A hard semester

Well, I can say that the first term of 2010, was a good semester in the academic field. I had a goods marks and I learned many news things.
The past term I was six subjects; five subjects of career, and English level three. In that course I learned to use a blog, I and I learned more words for write and talk in English.

But English was not only subject, because I had a course called “Taller de Periodismo televisivo”. In this class I learned use the camera also some editing programs, very useful for the journalist that work in television.

These two subjects was a really challenge for me, because I had no idea how utilize this programs and cameras. But the principal challenge was learned to write in English, because I don’t do this frequently and I don’t have anything practice.

In the sport field, I must say that I don’t play any sports. But this semester I pretend go to aerobic or entertain dance, It depending that my free time. Some days, I went to the gym of my building, but I went a very few occasions.

Maybe, the more difficult the last semester was the beginning. First because was a earthquake, and I live in the more affected zone, and later, because my mother is ill with cancer, and my family pass for very difficult moment. Fortunately in this moment everything is okey and she's very well.

But the best thing of the last term, was my first niece was born. Her name is Fernanda Emilia, and she’s the happiness of my house.

In this moment is everithing ok, and I hope that this year finish of a good form.

martes, 6 de julio de 2010

I lost my fear of writing in English.

This semester I had to write a blog in English. It was the first time that I had to do this in my academic life. I thought it was a big challenge, because I never had the opportunity to write in another language before. Besides I didn’t know how to use this web tool.
To start this new task for me, the first thing that I had to do was create a blog. It was very hard for me, because I have never used this platform, so I had no idea about how to manage it.
After the big technical challenge, that this meant for me, I could create my first blog account. However, my problem wasn’t a technical issue. The most difficult was writing. I had not enough vocabulary, I didn’t know how to connect different ideas and I had serious problems with the grammar. Something very different happens to me when I write in Spanish, because in this language it is very easy for me.
I think that one of the reasons of why writing in English was very hard for me was that in high school most of my classmates knew how to speak and write in English very well. Even some of them came from different countries, because they were on a student exchange program, so they speak in this language fluidly. For this situation, the English teachers taught the subject very fast, so it was more difficult to me to reach my classmates level.
For all this, the first blog entry was a big challenge. I never could finish at time, and I always had to read the teacher’s instructions before the class begin to think with anticipation what I was going to redact in my blog.
It cost me a lot of work to write in English. Sometimes I felt so stressed that I couldn’t write anything. However, the teacher was always there to help me out. Even my classmates did. They told me how to write better, and also gave me the meanings of unknown words.
With the passage of time, writing blogs became easier for me. Writing in my blog started to be more entertaining. I could finish my entries in class, I didn’t ask too much as I did before, and I could express my ideas more clearly.
I believe that this exercise was very useful to learn grammar and vocabulary, but I don’t feel that I could express my self in English very well. I think that I learnt a lot, but it is not enough, because I didn’t dedicate too much time studying for this class. One of the reasons of this is that this semester has been the most difficult on my career.
Despite of my insecurity, I feel that now I am more prepared to write and even speak English and this is the result of redacting about different things on my blog every week.
Definitely writing blogs in the class has been very productive for me. I have made a huge progress, and I learnt many things. Is true, are many other things to learn, but in this moment I can say that I lost my fear of writing in English.

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

I don't like think about the future

I am not a person who likes to think about the future. The truth, is that I like living in the present and I preffer keep the feet on earths. At the present, I’m studing journalism so, I think that in the future I exercise my profession in a mass media or some company.

In first time, I would like to work in a company, because the salary is better,I pretend save money and continue studying and specialize me in my profession.

Once done all that, I hope have a family with my boyfriend, his name is

Francisco and we have been together three years.

But when I decided have a family I don’t like to live in Santiago, I would like lives in other city, maybe some place in the south of country or simply in Chillán, my hometown.

When I think in the future tto think I would like travel for many countries, but first I want to know all Chile, from north of south. Other wish I have is have a beauty house and I to give a travel to my parent for them can enjoy after a hard live to educate four daughters.

Is very difficult think in how many children I want to have, because at the present I don’t can imagine as a mother, the idea scares me and I don’t feel able. In many times I asked me, I will become mother? I don’t know only time will tell.

I say in the beginning, I don’t like's to think about the future, because are many questions but few answers. Also I think that the future and the past only are a thought because.

Maybe I have many plans about the future but only the lives decide how I can realize and how stay pending.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

El Quiltro del bicentenario, a symbolism picture

"El Quiltro del Bicentenario" was a photograph contest to choose the best photograph where a typical dog of Chile, "El quiltro" was shown.

The name of the winner picture is "Si para ser felices", and It was taken for Óscar Fuentes Mardones. This history is very nice, because this men is not photographer but is a physiology teacher of Universidad del Bìo Bío, a chilean university located in Chillán, Chile.

This photograph has a lot of symbolism because it shows a dog next to a beggar in a street of Chillán. With this picture Òscar Fuentes shows a hard reality, and also shows the big social inequalities existing in our country.

This picture was taken the last year and Óscar knew He won in January of 2010. But this photograph is not by chance, because frequently Óscar walked by the place where this pictures was taken and saw the beggar next to the dog called "Cachupín".

One day, Óscar decided to take a photograph and send it to the contest, but his motivation more than winning a prize, was to show this hard but existing reality.

When I talked with Óscar, he comment me that his father was also a photograph lover and he took the pasion from him.

The photograph content “El quiltro del Bicentenario” trying was a funny contest but with the Óscar picture this initiative be coverted in a X –ray that Chilean society.

Finally this picture shows that really Chile is not prepared for celebrate with a big party this two hundred year because while exist this problems, and this inequalities we don’t anything because for celebrate.

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

A big problem and a bad experience!

Probably, everybody has different opinions about the Capital Punishment. According to my opinion, I think it is not a good solution to reduce criminality, because this problem is connected to different social mistakes, as disparity in the distribution economic, bad quality of education and other many factors that make emerge this big problem.
I think, that the pros in capital punishment, is that a criminal they will think it better before making a crime and the government save money. But the cons, is that with this punishment the state killed peoples and that's not their job or anyone else.

For to reduce criminality rates in Santiago, the government should close the revolving doors. It must create better laws and give punishments more strict for the reoffender. As well I think that actualy laws protect to criminals and give possibilities for that they go out to the jail very easi.
In my opinion, the origin of the increasing criminality in Chile is, in some case, lack oportunitties, but in the most cases I think is because personal intresting of this person for have more of the work can give. But we cant forget that this consumer society create the conditions for that this criminals exist.
In one time, I goes with my sister to Movistar Arena for saw a concert. But in the road, we found many fans of the football team Universidad de Chile. When we go out of the public transport two men came up in the street and they stole us rob, but my sister begin to shout and many cars begin to shout and many cars begin stop and the criminal escape. Finally we can go to the concert and was a good night.

A big problem and a bad experience!

Probably, everybody has different opinions about the Capital Punishment. According to my opinion, I think it is not a good solution to reduce criminality, because this problem is connected to different social mistakes, as disparity in the distribution economic, bad quality of education and other many factors that make emerge this big problem.
I think, that the pros in capital punishment, is that a criminal they will think it better before making a crime and the government save money. But the cons, is that with this punishment the state killed peoples and that's not their job or anyone else.

For to reduce criminality rates in Santiago, the government should close the revolving doors. It must create better laws and give punishments more strict for the reoffender. As well I think that actualy laws protect to criminals and give possibilities for that they go out to the jail very easi.
In my opinion, the origin of the increasing criminality in Chile is, in some case, lack oportunitties, but in the most cases I think is because personal intresting of this person for have more of the work can give. But we cant forget that this consumer society create the conditions for that this criminals exist.
In one time, I goes with my sister to Movistar Arena for saw a concert. But in the road, we found many fans of the football team Universidad de Chile. When we go out of the public transport two men came up in the street and they stole us rob, but my sister begin to shout and many cars begin to shout and many cars begin stop and the criminal escape. Finally we can go to the concert and was a good night.

sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010

my favourite festivity!

My favorite festivity is Christmas day.This festivity, like everyones in the world, I celebrate on 25 th of December. Is a very important festivity for me because I spend with all my family and my boyfriend in my real city, Chillán.
In that especial day, we dinner together, remeber other Christmas, and before open the gifts.
Once we celebrate Christmas and the boyfriend of my sister asked marriage, was a nice experience.
The last time we celebrate Christmas I, my boyfriend and my family stay in my house eating "pan de pascua" and drinking "cola de mono" with my neighbour. Also came other members of my family and celebrate all night.
But this Christmas was more special, because my sister is pregned and some gifts was for the new family member, my niece. She's born in july!!!!
I would like do in the next Christmas would travel other city with all my family, I´dont know, maybe to the south in the Villarrica lake, and makes the same things that I have in all Cristhmas but this time, in other place.
Really, this festivity is my favourite day in the year, and I wish I could always pass with the people I love.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

my mp3 is great!

My favorite piece of technology is mp3, I've got the past year, in September, and since I always take it with me.
In first moment I bouth other music reproductor, that mp3 was orange color and was a very very nice but I had change because was bad. Now my music reproductor is red with black and I like this combination.
Every days I go out to my house with my earphone and listen many songs. But this object is not only a music reproductor becaus I can to record diferents sounds from my voice untill the music I listen in the radio.
This is a first mp3 that I can buy, and so, is more important for me because is fruit of my effort. I use every days for go to university or sometimes when I travel.
In the night I use too when I go to sleep I on my mp3 and listen music in some radio of Santiago.

Also I use for study. Sometimes I record me reading some subject and later, I listen that recording and I can to memorize.
Well, I think that my life if I didn now was a bit more difficult, but I could live because some months before I dont have it. But withouth a doubt my Mp3 to make easier my life.
Really It was a good buy and I can say that I love it!!!!!!

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Great man!!!

My best friend called Cristóbal Baeza, He is a great men!! We know since seven years, when we was at High School in Chillan City.

We were classmates for two year and since we were the best friends. At the present he study in Concepcion city, but twice a month we visited and go out together some pub in the city and talk for hours.

I consider my best friend because always I need him he help me, whatever be my conflict. Loves problem, economics problem, whatever, He always be here for me. Also he knows all my family and my parents and sisters will have a lot love because how is He.

We known for so long that we have lived many important moments together. I remember when he came to see me when I played basketball or when we went at the disco in the summer, or we went to the beach in the past holidays.

All months we go out together or with my sister, talk about the life, we call on phone, and he was my house visit me and my family.

He’s my best friend and really is a good man.

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

a good photographer

Víctor Orellana is a graphic reporter. He is 50 years old and lives in a plot lamp near of Chillán. For more thirty years he worked in different Chilean newspapers, among “Las Últimas Noticias” and El Mercurio. At present he works in La Discusión newspaper.

During his life, is covered different news, how the earthquake of Santiago in 1985 and the earthquake this year in the Bio Bio region. Also he has covered football world cups, other natural disasters, accidents, crimes, and among others events. He travel around the word making his job.

The reason why I admire, is because he´s a good photographer, is very good professional and enjoy making his work. Moreover He`s a good person because is helped me when I realized mi professional practice. No only this, because He was professor in this University and probably the next semester he will be class in Concepción University, campus Chillán.

I´m like his job, he has very good pictures, and he have many front page. He´s not popular in the world, but in Chile is famous between his colleage.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

La Unión, my favorite city!

My favorite vacation place is La Union city. This place is located in the Los Lagos region in the south of Chile, very near Osorno city.

One of the reasons why I like La Union, is because I love the south of Chile, I enjoy the nature,the fresh air and the many lakes and the many lakes that are very near La Union city.

Ranco Lake, Frutillar, and Puerto Varas, are just some examples the beauty of the landscape because in this zone you can find many other awesome places.

In this city we can find everything needed for have a very nice stay. There are hospitals, banks, schools, churches, supermarkets, hotels, pubs and the common places there are in other cities.

I went some months of vacation in La Union, and I have beautiful memories. I don’t have any bad experience in this city because I have many friends, and piece of my family live in this city.

When I was visited this city, travel for many places, lakes, mountains, the country and other beautiful places.

Really I say: La Unión is a very nice place and I recommend to visit!

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010


The night of earthquake I was in Chillán, a city very near of epicenter. Just when the earthquake started, I was in a pub with some friends, and so in this moment someone to shouted: run, run, go out here, so the movement telluric was more and more stronger, and everyone’s go out to that place and waited the earthquake happen, but don’t happen. Finally the movement finish and so we started to walking, and together throuth to the city. Just in this moment we knew that was in a tragedy. Were to many peoples in the streets, the city is in the darkness, we haven't cell phones, and only can talk with our familys since a public telephone. The worst was many prisoners run away to the jail and this situation scared to everybody.
Finally I came back to my house. All my family was find, just a little nervious and worried for me and my older syster, because she´s pregned, and my mother thougth the worst.
That nigth and the following day, was very difficult for me and my family and friends because every day we knew more bad news.

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Little presentation

Mi name is Nicole Valeria, but my friends call me "Nico". I'm twenty one years old since and study journalism in Universidad de Chile.
I'm from Chillán a southern city of Chile, but since 2007 I live in Santiago due to my career, but I travel twice often the month to this city.
I have four systers and the older are pregned, she has six months and probably in june or july I'm converted in a happy uncle. Some days ago we knows than the baby is a girl, and every are very happy because is a very good news.
My other systers even study, and just today youngest is a birthday, she's fourteen years old.
I enjoy listen to the music, and see a football player. Tomorrow I will to the study San Carlos de Apoquindo for see the play to Ñublense, the team to my city.
I don't like live in Santiago, because this city is a very big, but when I finish my career return to my city or go the other places to the country for lives there.